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Next Showcase: Monday, October 14th, 2024 - Los Angeles


WE LOVE… AisleTalk: Consultation + Therapy

We asked the Landis Bejar, LMHC all about her company AisleTalk.

Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about Wedding Therapy!


What is AisleTalk?

AisleTalk is a NYC-based therapy and coaching practice that specializes in helping people deal with wedding planning stress.

Why would I need AisleTalk?

The same way we focus on physical well-being as we are preparing for our wedding (e.g. beauty and skincare regimens, fitness routines, teeth whitening), AisleTalk is here to support brides and grooms in taking care of their emotional well-being as well! Though the wedding planning process can be fun and exciting, for many it can also be somewhat stressful. Our goal is to normalize the process of talking to someone for support while offering outside perspective on concrete skills and strategies to cope with the stress.

Some of the more common issues that clients seek support with include: budget concerns, partnership and communication difficulties, family strain, and skill-building for dealing with competing expectations.


Who would be my therapist?

Your therapist would be Landis Bejar, LMHC. Landis is the Founder and Lead Therapist at AisleTalk and she is a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and the founder and lead therapist at AisleTalk. She is trained in various therapeutic techniques. You can read her whole bio here!

How does it work?

If anyone closely involved with wedding planning is feeling stressed or like they could use someone to talk to, they should reach out. We work with brides, grooms, couples, families, parent(s) of the couple, sibling(s) of the couple, close friends of the bride/groom). The first step would be to reach out through our website and we’ll get back to you to set up a complimentary phone consultation to learn what’s going on and if it seems like AisleTalk can be helpful. Then we would set up our first meeting to discuss top priorities and goals, and develop your individualized plan to help you get to your big day totally stress-free!

Do you only see brides?

AisleTalk works with grooms, family members, individually, couple, family, anyone who is close to the wedding planning who is feeling the stress. AisleTalk can also provide wedding self-care workshops for groups!

I want to connect! How can I learn more?  

Head to the website:

Follow AT on instagram: @aisletalk

Book a complimentary phone consultation with Landis to ask any other questions on your mind!!

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