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Next Showcase: Monday, October 14th, 2024 - Los Angeles


Wedding Salon Los Angeles Showcase 2018

Our Wedding Salon Los Angeles showcase was a huge success and would not have been possible without the marvelous SLS Beverly Hills Hotel. As soon as the clock hit 4pm, the check in line was out the door! Our fabulous vendors and clients created such beautiful arrangements that had the Wedding Salon staff and brides in complete awe. The room was filled with the sweet smell of flowers and over hundreds of brides. Guests were able to find all their wedding needs while sipping beverages from Bai brands and La Crox and enjoy tastings from Yooshi Sooshi and StoneFire Grill. Guests also indulged in plenty of sweets like fresh warm cookies from Chunk O Chip and delicious coffee from Longshot Coffee The night was not over yet! Guests got to attend a fashion show by fashion icon Pia Gladys Perey. Pia put on a spectacular show filled with beautiful gowns for brides, bridesmaids and flower girls. The entire evening was filled with great music and incredible lighting from VOX Djs,


Our venue choice was one the Wedding Salon team and guests will remember. From the unbelievable staff to breathtaking decor, the SLS is a perfect venue for any party or even just a weekend getaway. Thank you to the SLS and all vendors who participated in our Los Angeles showcase. We are so excited to return to California next year!


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